1.System backup is an essential part of a backup and is usually forgotten.
2.It is often carried out as a large-scale industrial process, and is an essential part of publishing and transaction printing.
3.Thus, simple operational research into local knowledge and attitudes should become an essential part of every vaccination campaign.
4.Other musicians began to copy him, and later, the improvised solo performance became an essential part of every jazz song.
5.Pumpkins seemed to be a suitable substitute for the turnips and pumpkins have been an essential part of Halloween celebrations ever since.
6.It is often at the planning level where hotels are included as an essential part of the overall development of an area.
7.It is a great and essential part of the religion of humanity. It is a step into a higher - and a less selfish - plane of life.
8.Banking is such an essential part of any business that it makes a lot of sense to download the statements straight to an accounting package.
9.This time of quietude is not only one of my favorite parts of my day, but has become an essential part of the day.
10.Information that flows between the system and the external systems, users, and channels is an essential part of your system.